Saturday, January 29, 2011

Triumph! It tastes so sweet.

I have always wanted to be the woman that recycled.  I have a friend that does it religiously and I can't help but admire her. I have always wanted to be the woman that brought my own mug to a coffee shop. I would like to save a tree. I wouldn't say that I am an aspiring tree hugger, but I do believe that these and other choices lead to an all around healthier lifestyle. I have always wanted to be the woman that didn't spend money and waste water on grass (wait, I do that:)  But I never have been that person. Until now.

I drove to Safeway in Salida today, not because I can't go shopping in town, but because our grocery store has nothing. If you have ever been in it, it is probably the size of my living room. That is not an exaggeration. The produce section in its entirety could fit in my refrigerator. I was shopping last week with my friend Leslie (the one who recycles) and we stopped into Safeway. I walked in those beautiful automatic shiny glass doors and, AAAHHHH!, gazed upon their bountiful selection of fruits and veggies. From that moment on, I was sold.

So back to my shopping of late.

I pull into the parking lot of the store, get out of my car, go around to the hatch and actually. . . get this. . . I actually grab my reusable bags! ME! I did it. The task that has been daunting me from the beginning of time. I continue my march to the store grasping my crisp seldom-used bags.

After I had filled my cart, I stopped at the Starbucks and my second tree-hugging-phenomenon came into play. I had remembered my travel mug. As I proudly handed it to the barista he said, "Would you like your tea in here?" "Yes," I answered triumphantly, "yes I would." So I proceeded to the checkout holding my mug of tea like a beacon of hope.

As the checker began to scan my beautiful produce, I noticed that it was headed straight toward those convenient memory-proof plastic bags and I started to panic. I fumbled around a little bit and finally shoved my reusables at the poor woman and said, "I'll be using these today." "Great." She replied unenthusiastically, not giving me the credit that I felt I deserved. I should at least get a gold star or something with all of the over-exertion. But I was ecstatic nonetheless as my things were loaded, and I smiled a huge smile at the woman and told her to "Have a GREAT day!".

So I exited the store for the first time feeling the joy and satisfaction of accomplishment! I'm just glad that I have done something for the environment besides not watering my turf.


  1. One step at a time my friend! Today, reusable bags. Tomorrow, you could be converting your car to run off fast food used grease. I'm proud of you and I am also LOVING this blog!

  2. The real question is... why didn't you leave the store and head immediately to my office... ouch:)

  3. Ha. I should have, huh? But I do have an excuse. I was trying to get back to a basketball game:) Next time it will be my first priority seeing as I will be doing all of my shopping there now.
